A Promise Kept

“The Enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy – I come to bring life and life abundant” John 10:10

            Last year The Enemy stole September 4th, 2016 from me and my granddaughter Jazlyn. It was the morning of her fourth birthday and I had plans to take her to Church to celebrate by worshipping God – singing praises to Him – using my voice to honor Him and express my gratitude for His Divine Favor. I was running on empty even then – but was determined to use my life – be intentional to demonstrate to my granddaughter my love for the Lord. I wanted to plant seeds of my faith into her life, to be an example. That morning still vividly remains in my mind and heart. The Enemy sent a fiery dart – and there was nothing I could do to extinguish it.

            My granddaughter Jazlyn arrived at my home around 8 AM and it was evident that she had been surrounded by the evil of The Enemy. Nothing had prepared me for what I would see – the smells which surrounded her – I was now on heightened awareness as The Lord had captured my heart and allowed me to access the situation more closely. My husband stood as a “witness” to things which I had been sharing with him for several months. Somehow a picture can be more telling than a discussion navigated by vagueness and no point of reference to determine The Truth. The road to recovery has been hard – a mountainous challenge – like walking up the Empire State Building with a walker and an oxygen tank on my back. Last year I told a friend that I wanted to shave my head and throw dust on it. On the outside no one was aware of the danger and landmines I had avoided to keep from blowing off my limbs. There was warfare on every front in my life – I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I was driving an almost 2 hours roundtrip daily to a job that kept me in a heightened sense of awareness because of the blatant opposition and callous disrespect from employees and leaders who were left in charge – No place for THE TRUTH – just watered down religion and distasteful display of arrogance. I spent most of my time there under psychological attack – My mind was consumed with thoughts like: “Am I honoring God?” “Should I say something?” “What if I am fired for speaking The Truth?” My own fear crushed my spirit. I walked around like a wounded-warrior, suppressing the details of what I was forced to endure almost on a daily basis. The course of my life had brought me to another impasse – a fork in the road. I did not want to be affiliated with a company that had a form of godliness – but denied The Truth by suppressing it. It remained a tragic testimony throughout my tenure. I knew that God was with me – and He gave me strategic words each morning to help alleviate my nausea from the “prescription” I was forced to take on a regular basis. Almost daily I looked inside my own heart to see if surrender was an option. I embraced and determined to seek wise counsel from several mentors – to hear the unadulterated Truth from God’s Word. The Holy Spirit was my Guide – I was on an “Assignment of Grace”. Like the Apostle Paul – I had to learn how to dispense Grace – and more importantly I was in the classroom. It was time for my practical – because I needed extremely large doses of God’s Grace – to live in such lawlessness and coldhearted expressions from those who I was called to reach. God gave me a generous heart – and with much kicking and screaming – I finally surrendered to His Prescription – that is how I was called to win the souls there. Armed with The Truth each morning – Resolved to represent God and honor His Guidance I poured out my life in large measures. Each evening I would leave waist deep in mire – to continue my commute back to “Base Camp”. God rewarded me with financial freedom as He prepared me to walk away – and leave a written remembrance behind – A new platform and a voice that will live forever.

            Now I am forced to go back and revisit a promise which had not expired – I am given another opportunity to leave a “Legacy of Faith” to my granddaughter Jazlyn. Yesterday we celebrated her fifth birthday. It was a special evening for a special little girl; just four other guests were invited. It was a time to put God’s love on display. The forces of evil rushed in one year ago – and demanded to take the next generation. To STEAL innocence, – to KILL my resolve and to DESTROY a home that is built upon The Rock. The torrential rains came, the flood waters ascend but our home built upon The Rock stood firm because God in His Mercy had dispensed a generous portion of His Divine Grace. The course of my life is set – the winds and the waves have battered my boat – but my Anchor holds – and the storm knows His Name. Today we will celebrate!!!! We will sing – we will dance – we will go back in time and display the “Gift” placed in our hearts even then. This mountainous climb has taken me back up – To Ascend into The Presence of my God – Basking in His Glory – The view up here is Amazing!!!


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