The Watchman at His Post

I pray that this is a kairos word for all who receives – we have the power of life and death in our tongues. I speak life TODAY!! I speak life over you. Incarcerate us into Your Chamber – Pour out Your goodness into our laps. We lack no good thing – we are walking into a new level of fruitfulness – mental – physical and spiritual.  We are governed by The Counsel of GOD. We will not be overcome by evil. The Watchman is still at His Post – Let us storm the gates of Hell with our prayers and take back our families. You have positioned us on the earth for such a time as this. Think of Queen Esther. Show us that there is power in one man – in one woman who decides to serve The Lord with what they have: David had five smooth stones and a sling!! The ungodly is not justified by God. We are walking in Divine Provision like the prophet Elijah. What if the enemy demands to sift you like wheat? I pray that you will be strengthened and after you have recovered – Go and strengthen your brother. The Lord says “The enemy is graphic – he comes to steal and kill and destroy. Do you have an opened door in your life? Only God can expose him. We cannot fall into accidental sin – we have to choose!!

Kairos means “the appointed time in the purpose of God.” The time when God acts (Mark 1:15: the kairos is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand).

Romans 13: 11-13 – Kairos time is here. It calls for action, conversion and transformation – a change of life. 2nd Corinthians 6:1-2 – Kairos is not just crisis but opportunity and favour. God assists us in discerning the kairos – a moment of grace.

The word of The Lord came to me.

He says “Do not underestimate your God; walk in a new level of healing of your minds”

There is power in His Word to conquer all opposing armies. Bind up the strongman and loose our brothers and sisters. God’s word is not for sale – just pray! I don’t get to determine who is worthy of His Love. Keep praying for all who are struggling – who are entangled in sin. When I pray, God says He will bring healing to the land. When the land is healed – all will benefit.

God – please heal our land – rid it of the enemy’s voice. No more condemnation. Convict us to change and bring us back into fellowship with you. Let us be your holy remnant – no more watered down religion. Let our prayers have substance. Pour into us. Fill us up – so that we can be poured out. We want to offer our hearts – our minds – our voices – to pray continually!! Even in the watches of the night – not about quantity but quality. Give us Your word – SATURATE – SATURATE the atmosphere. Let the heavens drip with The Truth. Put a restraint on our minds – our hearts – our lips. We will speak of your goodness. Show us how to walk the narrow road and extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy. Arrest us to Your Presence. We cannot run or hide. Not about the deeds of the demons. We magnify our God – our Father – our King. Burn up the dead works of religion. We want a relationship – I pray for a supernatural bountiful harvest. There is no limit – no limit as to what You can do. Blind eyes opened – the dead are coming back to life. Depression flees out the door – never to come back. We align our lives with You today!!! This is an upset – the strongman has been exposed!! You have turned the tables. Fear has been incarcerated – we walk by faith and not by sight. Send a word that will astound the enemy. Send Your swift and mighty response. Wake us up from our slumber. Let us not be found without oil in our lamps. Pray for protective custody!! Cleanse our palates – give us appetites for the Truth. Let us bombard the atmosphere with our petitions. God says: He is not too busy!

Scripture references: Esther 4:14, Matthew 11:15, Matthew 25:1-13, Habakkuk 1:5

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