My Ancestors – My Roots

Like shadows moving in the wind – I saw My Ancestors move from slavery to a life of freedom. I am still haunted but encouraged by their sacrifice. Their stolen families and miles of hard labor used to build another man’s dream. Their blood – crying out from the ground – saturated. Swallowed up by hatred – buried – a new generation – a seed planted so long ago. I see their reflection in my face – a symbol of the past. Every day I must fight to stay free. My Ancestors have disappeared – vanished – but their voices are still strong. Like a Trumpet they warn me of danger, prepare me for seasons of trials, persecution – war! They died knowing that the next generation would carry the torch of faith. I see visions of My Ancestors cultivating the fields – a valley of dry bones now transformed with flesh. Releasing me to leave slavery behind – move into the vastness of the open land – capturing new territories – bringing back the spoils – a bountiful harvest – Provision!!

My Ancestors tasted the violence of slavery – punishment for their humanity. They watched helplessly as their offspring were sold like cattle. Stolen children – Stolen dreams – Savage attacks and beatings. Men emasculated – disfigured from abuse. The Weeping Willows pour out tears as they bear witness to the Truth. They awakened each day to repeat the endless cycle to satisfy another man’s greed. Their sentence was hard labor. Day and night their sweat and blood nourished the land – only to reap a harvest to benefit their oppressors – those destined for destruction. They escaped through songs and spiritual hymns – ascended into worship to speak with their Creator. I have been transported into the future because of their faith.

I have a longing to sit in communion with them and learn from what they have seen and lived out – wisdom of the past. The sounds they experienced – places where their feet have tread – carry on their legacy – an ambassador of our faith. My Ancestors are no longer phantoms – ghosts, they are alive. The light of their souls are shining brightly, leading me into my Destiny. Now the struggle is over – a righteous seed was born to prepare them for freedom. A Door has been opened and I have travelled back in time – met with my ancestors on the battlefield – to fight for the Truth – a cause bigger than the Universe. Our shields of faith held high – Protection! The demonic realm has been defeated – vanquished because of My Ancestors.


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